Take 2: Youth Group Mission Trip
Here are the last of the pictures of our mission trip to Lac Courte Oreilles! On Thursday, we helped set up a large tent for a tent meeting for those who struggle with addictions. It was a gorgeous day that day and we met some wonderful people that morning! One fun aspect of mission…
Much of this past week was spent preparing for the garage sale that I had with a friend this weekend, but also just enjoying sweet Mazy of course! Did I mention how crazy funny she is these days? Never fails to entertain us! At Open Rock on Monday, Matt taught her to hoola hoop! She…
Disclaimer: I fully admit I sometimes forget to do this one habit, so know that no one is perfect! Do you ever jump into your car, not knowing where to go with anything because there is so much trash and clutter? Especially in the middle, where you’re supposed to be able to set things? Like…
The word BUDGETING can stir up many emotions – depending on who you are. The thought of budgeting may be completely overwhelming. For others, it screams “organized” so therefore you can’t survive without it. Then there are others who budget out of a self-realization that if they didn’t, they would be in a heap of trouble. When…
In 11 days, Dan and I will be heading to Belize on a mission trip! Hopefully Dan gets over the flu soon and that I don’t get it! Praying hard! It is still hard to believe that God has introduced this opportunity in the way He has, but I can only say we are so…
**NEW MOVIE coming out from the studio that brought you The Chosen, called “His Only Son”! His Only Son recounts one of the most controversial moments in the Old Testament—when Abraham was commanded by God to sacrifice his son Isaac on the mountain of Moriah. While traveling to the place of the sacrifice, alongside Isaac…