Taking the Time
On Thursday at the bookstore, I had an amazing conversation with a customer that I wanted to share. She is a fairly regular customer, so talking with her was easy – plus we weren’t very busy at that moment, for which I was thankful. She had bought a LOT of cards and she mentioned how there are just so many people who need them. She said when her grandma died, they had found 2 big boxes full of cards, not filled out yet. Her grandma had kept them “just in case” the opportunity presented itself to encourage someone. I saw a vast resemblance in what this lady was doing :). Anyways, she has a job in a hospital or health department and she mentioned how often she wishes she could send someone a personal card. She never knows who will walk in and want to tell their story and what they have been through. And that she may be the only person who will listen to their history and their difficult life. Yeah the job is crazy she says, but she KNOWS God has her there for a purpose – and that purpose may only be to listen to people and be there for them. God continues to humble her with the stories of others – she only wishes she could talk about her faith more.
No this story doesn’t have this dramatic ending and nobody would really see that what she does as heroic or even worth talking about. But I guess I do. I thanked her for sharing what was on her heart because it is in the everyday walk of life that we get a chance to influence people. She kindly gave me this soft reminder that God can work in the “littlest” of ways, though they can have the biggest impact – an impact that we may never realize or even know about. After I saw this lady buy way over $20.00 in cards, it made me think how I am using my gifts to further God’s kingdom? God doesn’t need what we would call “heroic events” to occur in order to work. He works day and day out through us. This lady has a gift of listening, encouragment, and empathy. She role modeled to me that day what a servant’s heart looked like. I know she is busy – just from other conversations we have had. BUT…in her job she continually takes the time to listen and just BE with others.