The Case For Heaven + GIVEAWAY

Growing up in the church, I was taught pretty regularly about heaven. Often I have just relied on what I was taught back then, to influence my thinking about heaven now. But now factor in my years of learning more about the Bible, about what Christ came to do, and hearing other’s experiences in their own faith, oh how my view of heaven has been expanded! That’s not to say that I haven’t had questions and still do. Are there things within the Bible and within faith that aren’t easy to wrestle with or even comprehend? Absolutely! Maybe you’ve had a lot of questions about heaven, but haven’t dared to ask them.
Well, Lee Stroble, who wrote The Case For Christ, has created a new movie called, “THE CASE FOR HEAVEN”. It’s based on his new book, with the same title. This documentary features interviews with best-selling author John Burke, world-renowned pastor Francis Chan, the late Evangelist Luis Palau and more.
It is a compelling film that dissects many of the misconceptions about the afterlife. We all want to know what happens after we die. In this movie, best-selling author and investigative journalist Lee Strobel explores the evidence for the afterlife in order to address man’s biggest fear: death. Inspired by his own brush with death, Strobel searches for answers to the most profound questions we all have, about heaven, hell, and near-death experiences. Not only is it a film that encourages one to believe in heaven, but this movie also includes interviews with experts and skeptics. THE CASE FOR HEAVEN will challenge, encourage and inspire as Strobel dares to probe the most important question. If
there is a heaven, can we prove it?
For me, this movie was compelling and did challenge me the many ideas I have about heaven. Some things I really questioned and will continue to wrestle with after watching this movie, while others, I sat back and thought, “Wow, I never thought of it that way, but that makes complete sense!” One of my favorite quotes was the very first words spoken in the movie:
Fear of death drives a lot of our lives. We try to suppress, ignore, deny, and distract from it. But the truth is…our fear of death drives all of culture.
– Lee STrobel
That was the basis that my mind focused on through the entire movie because I feel that is where many people live each day. In the fear of death. Having gone through a near-death experience myself, I can’t help but want to encourage others to watch this movie as well.
One other part that really challenged me was on the idea of hell. The movie talks about the concept of hell, how heaven is a gift only if we are willing to receive it. Consequently, being separated from God during life means you will be separated from Him for eternity. But there was a different idea of hell that I had not thought about before and that’s how it’s not necessarily a torture chamber, but where one is tormented as they live an eternity without God’s presence in their lives. I thought that was interesting. Also, about how we always hear about the flames of hell, but hell is dark and flames bring light, so it’s not like we are literally burning because light and darkness can’t coexist. Why I had that idea in my head, I don’t know, but that really shed some light on my idea of hell (no pun intended). Not that it lessens the severity of hell, but after watching this movie, it made me realize all the more, the grace God has given us through eternity and the love he has shown us through his Son, so that we DON’T have to go to hell, but get to live in complete communion with him in HEAVEN. What an absolute gift.
If you want to check out the trailer, here is the link:
THE CASE FOR HEAVEN will be exclusively on Pure Flix starting July 15th! If you don’t have a Pure Flix account, sign up for a free trial or subscribe to it today!
If you would like to purchase A CASE FOR HEAVEN, click below:
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Many thanks to Pure Flix for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.