The Creator is Always Greater Than the Creation
I saw that our state, and specifically Kalamazoo, has made the national news numerous times over the course of the past few weeks, thanks to the unveiling of the new coronavirus vaccine. Now I’ll be honest, I have not done any studying on the vaccine, nor do I know much about it. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about; I’m here to talk about Someone far greater than a vaccine!
I have purposefully not immersed myself in much social media over the past few months for a number of reasons. Not that I’m trying to isolate (though I suppose that term has a whole new set of meaning behind it), but I’m trying to protect my heart fear of this world. The few snippets of news clips I have caught online while opening a new web search, I have sensed that there is an immense sense of urgency and hope that is tied to this new vaccine! And rightfully so, when there is a new preventive for an illness that has proven to work, how can we not be excited?! But at the same time, I’ve heard from all walks of life, how “when I get the vaccine then…” and that is where I wrestle. That is where I stop and wonder, where is our hope found? Where is our sense of relief based? Where and what do we put our desire for hope and peace in?
Does our world believe that the Creator is GREATER and more POWERFUL than the creation? Than what is created?
I feel like I’m coming across as a pessimistic, and by ALL means, that is not my goal or intention, or really my nature. But I fear that if we put all of our chips in this one vaccine, that THIS is the ultimate cure, then we have it all backwards. Do I believe that a vaccine will help? ABSOLUTELY. Will it Lord-willing save lives? We pray. But when I see pictures of people cheering on the semis that were carrying the vaccine, (which THANK YOU to those who worked relentlessly to put this into fruition), I do wonder if we cheer on the name of Christ in the same way? We would be the ones standing along the path as Jesus rode in on a donkey? Who was THE Savior? Do we cheer Him on when we hear someone has survived? And even when someone has passed, do we still revere His name as the one who is in control of every detail?
Again, I’m not trying to disregard what is happening, that there is a vaccine and Lord-willing, it will provide medical reprieve for many. But I’m also speaking as one who has been told THIS is the ultimate fix. THIS is what will bring you a renewed life physically. A surgery, medication, or procedure, that will change my life. Any many times it has! But also many times, it hasn’t. And I don’t say that with a disheartened tone, but one that is calling for belief in GOD and His good and perfect will, and not ultimate hope put in medical technology or advances. These things are not wrong! If you know our story, you know that we have gone through MANY medical procedures as a family to have kids, for my heart, etc. But even the best effort put forth, all of these efforts, still fall under the reign of God. And that is why we have twins in Heaven – because GOD was ultimately in control.
God is ALWAYS GREATER than the created.
And so I write this to encourage you to praise God for the gift of knowledge, wisdom, and medical advances. But I also write this to encourage you to seek the ONE who is in ULTIMATE control of every vaccine. Every shot. Every procedure. Every detail. In the end, HE has the ultimate say. HE is the one who numbers our days. HE is the one who decides.
Heidelberg Q&A 1 says…
Q. What is your only comfort in life and in death?
A. That I am not my own,1 but belong—body and soul, in life and in death2—to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ.3
He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood,4 and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil.5 He also watches over me in such a way6 that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven;7 in fact, all things must work together for my salvation.8
Because I belong to him, Christ, by his Holy Spirit, assures me of eternal life9 and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for him.10
May this be your peace today and always. Thank you Lord, for being our King, our Savior, who was born this upcoming Christmas day! What an occasion to celebrate! So amidst the excitement of medical advances, lest we not forget daily, the real reason to celebrate. For CHRIST IS KING and the Creator is ALWAYS greater than the created.