The Sterk Family

So glad to have our “Mazy” back after she was pretty down and out the week prior! Her goofiness has reappeared and is just a different kid, like they often say after sicknesses! Dan and I have welcomed it now, but have not had near the severity of it as Mazy did! Did not take…
Stats: ~ Height: 35 inches (85th%) ~ Weight: 24.8 lbs (24th%) ~ Doctor said she could stand to gain a bit of weight (dropped from 57th to 24th%), but like she said, it’s hard at her age because she is on the go, non-stop. So, we just have to give her high “good” fat, high protein,…
One of the joys of having a baby girl is thinking about all the hair clips, bows, and headbands you can put in their hair (or lack there of). My sister is letting me borrow all of the headbands and hair clips that she used for her 4 daughters, and boy do I love the…
Here’s a post about this crazy mama and her little side kick! With Dan being gone, we’ve realized the days go MUCH better when we keep busy! Cabin fever for both of us set in on about day 2, so Mazy and I decided after a little pow-wow that we needed to do something everyday….
We are turning up the heat here in West Michigan. Or I should say the air conditioning! Fun and sun have arrived and we are trying to embrace it to the fullest. Even though we don’t have a cottage, we decided to make our home feel like a cottage – as my husband would say,…
Conversations are often about WHAT we spend our money on – not what we DON’T. For instance, we talk about a recent purchase, a new shirt we bought, where we went out to eat, and the last steal of a deal we got. Rarely do we talk about where we haven’t spent our money! So…