Tips For A Stress-Free Christmas: Part 1

I (heart) Christmas.
You can say “ugh,” but I am one of those who plays Christmas music in October (I’ve been known to throw in a cd in July). Many may get frustrated with me because it may come across as me not respecting Thanksgiving or me even disliking that holiday, by overlooking it. I can honestly say that that is FAR from the truth.
Why do I play Christmas music so early? Because it is that type of music that humbles my heart and makes me realize how THANKFUL I am – for salvation, grace, peace, and the love of my heavenly Father. It is Christmas music that reminds me that there is more to this world than me, that I am just in instrument in the band of life. That God has given me breath and another day to live for Him. So though you may not agree with Christmas music before Thanksgiving, there are heart reasons as to why I listen to it.
Why do I talk about Christmas music? That is the one thing that usually comes to mind when you say the word Christmas.
And maybe for others, all that the word “Christmas” does to you is give you stress. That is the LAST thing you want to have happen during the holiday season, yet it seems inevitable, doesn’t it?
Well, I am here to tell you that STRESS will NOT control your holiday season and I am excited to share with you some tips on how to make your holiday season, stress-free.
It is already November, but here are some things to think about from last month:
- Set budget for gifts
- Start creating a shopping list for each person
- Decide on a Christmas card
- If taking a picture, decide on location and date
- Stock freezer
These are just small things you can do now, to make a big difference in your holiday season.
I know, asking people for Christmas ideas now, seems a little far fetched, but in turn, you are actually helping THEM, get their Christmas in order too. In a way, you are forcing them to start early and before they know it, THEY will be asking others for Christmas ideas!
Here are some more tips to prevent you from going into survival mode this December:
1. Say NO! I list this as the first one because many of us are people-pleasers. We want to prove that we can do everything, when really, we can’t. Saying no is the most freeing word. It may offer guilt for the first 5 minutes, but for the season, you will feel free. Don’t be afraid to say no!
2. Stick with what works. You have been living in the Christmas season for years. Think about what stresses you out. Think about what is most overwhelming. Think about what really works. Make a list! If you know this certain dish always is a hit, stick with it. Don’t spend time trying to find something new. If you know how you like your house decorated, don’t change it up. Stick with what works.
3. Make what you can, ahead. Many desserts and even side dishes are freezable. What if you took the time to make those items now and froze them? Then when party time comes, all you have to do is pull it out of the freezer, and maybe warm it up, but that’s it! How easy is that?
4. Be okay with enough. You walk through the aisles and aisles of food and Christmas decorations and think “I want it all” and “I want to do it all!” Let’s be realistic. We can’t do it all. Set boundaries for yourself and know when enough is enough!
5. Start exercising. Sounds odd, but the best way to relieve stress sometimes is to exercise. Exercising for me personally, is more of a must than an option. I feel so much better about myself, which makes me feel better about others (it’s true), and I know I can enjoy some of the sweets I like because I know the next day I will hopefully be exercising them off. Exercising has so many benefits – even if it’s a short walk. Get outside, get some fresh air, and air out your stress!
Hi Kristin,
I am glad to know I am not the only one who feels that way about Christmas music. I too pop a CD in during the summer sometimes. It gets me focused back on the gift of Jesus. I love your blog and I am finding it very helpful and insperational as I try to organize my life with less.
Blessings in Christ,
Thank you Kathy! Glad to know too, that I AM not the only one :). The gift of Jesus is more than we could ever ask for and you are right – it's such a good reminder! Thank you for the encouragement and I hope you continue to find inspiration here as well! Thanks for stopping by!