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  1. bless your hearts… a friend from Kalamazoo shared this with me – I think because our last name is also Sterk -however we live on the west coast, in the PNW… And also maybe because of the worship I’m involved in…

    Once a month, we have a worship team that is part of 24 hours of continuous worship, where 12 different teams from various churches in the area, each lead a 2 hour worship set… it’s an amazing time of extended worship, and something most don’t have the opportunity to participate in very often. Most of the teams are young adults in their 20’s, but our team being the only reformed type church that participates, is older, and we do about a third hymns, a third music from the 70-90’s (Maranatha/Vineyard type) and a third are songs that have been written in the last 10 years…and it’s all mixed up, dependent on what we are focusing on… what I’ve found, is if the Holy Spirit is in the worship, and we are there to worship, it doesn’t matter if the song is 3000 years old, or if it’s a new song that you are singing spontaneously in the Spirit right then, or anything in between – the Holy Spirit will use it as worship… as you said, it’s not about us – worship is first unto the LORD.

    The other thing that your post made me think of, was “high” praise… I wrote an article on “High Praise” for the CRC network, that was posted earlier this year… here’s the link…

    the phrase is found in Psalm 149:6 … let the high praises of God be in their mouths… – the word “high” is some versions like the NKJV, but it is not in the NIV… hmmm… it is a specific Hebrew word… anyway, something to think about in connection with our worship =)

  2. Bev! Thank you for your comment! I loved hearing what you do at your church with regards to praise and worship gatherings. I love the idea of doing songs from ALL generations, which integrates the generations of the church and gives people no reason to complain about the style of music :). Thank you also for sharing that article with me. I enjoy hearing what others think – that is why I enjoy hearing from people! Such great ideas! Do you have any relatives in Michigan? Just wondering considering the last name :). Thanks again Bev for your comment!

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