Treasuring Christ + GIVEAWAY!
Have you ever felt like you are just trying to keep your head above water as a mom? Do you ever wonder if what you are doing really matters?
Have you ever felt like you are just trying to keep your head above water as a mom? Do you ever wonder if what you are doing really matters?
The 4th of July is JUST around the corner! Are you ready to celebrate? Well, I have the opportunity to team up with Wayfair by sharing my favorite dessert to join the celebration – one that represents the red, white, and blue, and the stars & stripes of the American flag! I’m here to tell you…
This is where it all began: The 100 Days Of Less Series. When I began my organizing website Organizing Life With Less, I didn’t necessarily expect it to have the impact it did on my life. I guess I didn’t know what to expect, but all I knew was that I wanted to live my…
The reality of moving is definitely starting to “move” in – not in a negative way though. We are just realizing that is a LOT to do before next Thursday, our official moving date. Most of the things we have to do, are things Dan and I just need to figure out :). We have…
MINNESOTA!! Yes, we are going to be Minnesooooootans (we just learned the official name for someone who lives in Minnesota :)). I decided to do tomorrow’s post tonight, since I couldn’t wait! This is something we are so excited to share and TO GOD BE THE GLORY! God has been working in this situation in…
With moving to Minnesota, many have said “and you are moving away from family?” Yes, we are. The human side of me says it will be hard, but when keeping Christ as the center, I know God will use it all for the good. It may not be easy, but I believe that God ONLY…
Today we are busy packing away our belongings again! Dan put it well today ‘I wish we could just say “boom” and all of our stuff would be in Minnesota.’” I couldn’t agree more! We picked up a 20 foot U-Haul and car trailer (we will be towing our Intrepid) and it is sitting patiently,…