Trusting God with YOUR Story

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this
Something I am very passionate about, is encouraging and inspiring others to embrace their story. So when I heard that one of my favorite authors, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth was going to be publishing a book with her now husband, Robert Wolgemuth titled “You Can Trust God to Write Your Story,” I knew it was a must read.
And now I know why I was so eager to read it. It does not matter what you have gone through, what you are currently going through, and what you will go through, this book will hit on your life experiences. It so beautifully takes the circumstances of life, those loved, and those not-so-loved, and reminds the reader to bring them all to the foot of the cross, in surrender to him. Through the telling of many stories of others who have gone through difficult times, each story is brought back into the light of the BIGGER story. The greater story that is being written, for ALL of us, thanks to our sovereign and providential God.
Interwoven within the book also, is Nancy and Robert’s story. Their story in and of itself, is unique, but so is everyone’s because God is the author of it. And because he is the grand author, we truly can trust God to write our story. Nancy and Robert so eloquently retell some of the well-known Bible stories in a way that makes you take a step back and just say, “Wow, God!” Even if you’ve heard the story hundreds of times, it will put you in awe of how big our God is, how he is always busy working behind the scenes to make his glory known, and that again, he is worth trusting.
One of my favorite quotes from the book is this: “God may design some chapters in our lives to be long and delightful; others, far too short, and sometimes painful. But we only see the meaning of our story when it fits into the context of a bigger, far greater story of Jesus Christ Himself.”
I so easily can fall into the trap of trying to find “the answer” to everything I am going through. To figure out the purpose. The meaning. The prognosis. But in reality, I am isolating that one moment in time, separating it from the bigger picture that God is trying to paint. There is an answer and there will be an end – and it’s Jesus.
I HIGHLY recommend this book. And if me reading it in less than 24 hours says anything, well, I think you will enjoy it as well!