Uncluttered Circumstances

Do you desire to live a clutter-free life? I’m not talking about with material things necessarily, though I do enjoy a life lived with fewer things, but a clutter-free mind of difficult circumstances? That’s hard. Do you struggle with that too? Sometimes I find myself fantasizing what that would look like, but when I solely focus on getting rid of the clutter, the circumstances, I’m losing focus of what God really wants me to be zeroed in on. And that’s communion with him.
Often times we are not able to change our circumstances. Choices can affect them, but not always. God allows what he does, for his greater glory and purposes. And our job is to just accept each day while looking for him in it. Recently I was given another heart monitor and it was frustrating to think that after just battling cancer, I have to revisit all of my heart issues. As frustrated as I was, it was God’s perfect timing because I am having some extra beats again, after lowering the dose of my anti-arrhythmia med. A heart monitor was needed. I could sit here and dwell on the fact that things aren’t as I had hoped they would be, but I have to realize as much as I want to be in control, I can’t fix everything. I have to allow God to do what he does and just stay in communion with him.
You see, when we stay in touch with our Savior throughout our days, it gives us that uncluttered life in our mindset about our circumstances. It reminds us that even though things may not be going as planned, when we stay in communion with God, we allow him to direct our steps. God offers a peace that surpasses ALL understanding! We may never have answers to our questions, but God just asks us to stay by his side. And in doing so, when we trust him to direct our steps, we will have peace. Not maybe. We will.
It sounds so carefree to live an uncluttered life circumstantially. The clutter can feel like a barrier in our communication with God. But really, these circumstances/clutter should be drawing us nearer to him. Choosing to walk step-by-step with God through the “clutter”, will draw us to a closer communion with him, which is what he desires from us anyways.
How close are you walking?