Walking the Path of Obedience

Feelings of restlessness and impatience are starting to fill my mind. I can see the end of my 100 days in sight, and yet I still have over a month to go. But in all reality, my life doesn’t change too drastically at that exact moment. It’s more of a guideline, sprinkled with hope that I will be less susceptible to threatening illnesses in the days that follow. But all this restlessness is doing, is stealing the joy of the moment and the peace that God so freely is offering me through this time in my life. Time to pray. Time to write. Time to heal. Time to get stronger. Time to fight this leukemia once and for all.
I just have to be willing to accept it.
Walking a road of difficulty takes much obedience. Life doesn’t look like the way I had planned, but then is it true obedience? Is it true devotion to my Lord when I long for life to look different? How many of us fall into this trap? I know I do. When we constantly look at other’s lives and wish we had what they had. When we scrounge the internet for the next thing to buy, seeking to fulfill that void of happiness. When we look at our days and wish we could be doing something different. Is it true obedience to the Lord? Or are we thinking He made a mistake in allowing what He has?
My God is never early. Never late. But always right on time. And therefore, my obedience should reflect this truth. Peace doesn’t come from outside gain, but from an inner heart that is trustfully committed to His plan.
If I’m struggling to obey the path that God has me on, maybe my heart isn’t fully devoted to him? I’m not saying that we can’t lament and grieve. I’ve done plenty of that. But when we live with Biblical joy, knowing God is moving mountains and splitting the seas on our behalf, brings a peace that surpasses all understanding, directing our hearts towards a life of obedience.
This is something I am continually challenged with. Am I ready to obediently walk the path God has chosen for me? Trusting that He has it all in His hands? That is the safest place to be and where true joy and peace are found. And that’s ultimately what I want.
Do you have time to send out cards and words of encouragement. Everyone needs to be lifted up now and then. Spend time writing notes to your friends and loved ones. Everyone loves getting cards in the mail even if it just says, I love you, I appreciate you, have a great week, thinking of you, hope you have a fun time, I appreciate all you do for…, be that sunshine some one might need.
I send out a lot of cards and I can’t tell you how many people text me because it made their day a little brighter, just because I took a few minutes to send it. Just a thought. It gives you a great feeling too.
I love this, Mary! I think it’s a FANTASTIC idea and I always love getting cards from you! You are such a thoughtful person, Mary! This is definitely a ministry of yours!