Week 37 in a Picture

Thanksgiving is always such a special time for us. I feel it’s cliche to say that we are thankful for all of the many blessings, family, and friends that he has given us, but we truly are. We were able to spend our Thanksgiving with family and now having a child, we are realizing how…
The pictures below are the reason I look so forward to summer! Although, I did not take any pictures of us at the pool because we were too busy having fun! Early in the week, we went blueberry picking with some friends. It was a gorgeous morning for it and about halfway through, Mazy and…
18 years. The other day, while Mazy was taking a nap, I started to think about the fact that I have 18 years to raise this child. I have 18 years to teach her all I know about life. I have 18 privileged years of having her in our home (and maybe a few more…
This past week we have enjoyed getting ready for Christmas! We got our Christmas presents wrapped, bought a cheap fake tree, and maybe even opened a Christmas present already! Mazy will be turning 9 months this week! She is getting more personality by the day and boy does she make us laugh! Those blue eyes……
Not even sure how to begin this so I’m just going to start… Brenda’s numbers were signficantly lower today, which means she is no longer pregnant. They were in the 600 range when yesterday’s test was at 1396. We believe the babies left her body on Monday. It is with such sadness, grief, pain, and…
Motherhood. A gift wrapped with unexplainable love for someone else, a love that is fostered in the tiniest of details, a patience that holds no limits, and a joy unexplainable. Over the past, well, MANY years, I have often thought about what it means to be a mother. I always struggled with the question “do…
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Looking beautiful!!!
I think you all look ready 😉 Can't wait so see her!!!
Thanks April 🙂
Sara – we can't WAIT to share pictures with everyone! I love thinking that really, a baby comes when they are ready, and I definitely feel ready, but maybe she is enjoying her time too much in there 🙂
Looking beautiful
The Bly's think that you are looking wonderful! ! !
Thank you Blys 🙂