Week 5 Mazy Grace Happenings

I had all these grand ideas of how I was going to be the perfect stay-at-home-mom. As much as didn’t/don’t want to admit it, we go into parenthood with expectations. I made the mistake of telling Dan that I didn’t really have any expectations, but the more I thought about it, I so did! I…
Everyone struggles with guilt. This feeling that we should have done something a different way. Made a different choice. Acted in a kinder way. Said it a different way. Or should have not said anything at all. Guilt. Then there is this guilt when we think… Did my child have too much screen time today?…
Oh the beauty of a good night’s sleep. I remember lying in bed the night before Mazy was to be born (I was scheduled to be induced). I remember thinking “this” was the last night of sleep I would get before she was in our arms. A moment I will always remember, but a moment…
Comparing. As a new mom, I am realizing more and more, the danger of comparing my child to others. My wise sister told me recently that every kid is different, as we were discussing the different milestones that her 4 girls went through and my sister-in-law said the same thing. Not that this was new…
As you can tell, I haven’t been us “up” on my blogging as usual, but it’s because we haven’t been home! Dan and I had the privilege of being parents for a day and night for two of our youth group kids – loved it! We played mini-golf, played TTR (that is Ticket to Ride)…
This girl couldn’t have been more ready to start school! She was so excited to see her teacher again, meet new friends, see an old friends, and just be at school. She loves learning (when it’s not from me, of course :)). She was counting down the days and more than ever, we couldn’t be…