What 14 Weeks Looks Like
Maybe you are wondering just as much as we are, when this baby girl is going to come… Well, it doesn’t look like she is going to be making her appearance anytime soon (as in the next few days). We started off the week really wanting her here, but the thing is, basketball season is…
With the release of my book, I find that I’m a little behind on my “regular” blogging schedule! Of course I am beyond delighted to share my life with you through my book, but one thing I want to continue to do is share about my life through this blog. I personally find enjoyment and…
It was a vacation we won’t soon forget. This was the first time the Sterks have gone on a family vacation just the 3 of us, and oh were the memories made! We decided to join the rest of West Michigan and head down to Florida for Spring Break. We found a sweet little spot…
When this past year began, we thought it was one of hopeful health and a time to get our feet back under us. When I started off the new year, it was one that was still filled with recovery and rehab, but one filled with excitement and anticipation of what God would do. God sure…
We have survived a week without her wubs! Last week I had cut the paci off and ever since, she has said it’s “broke, sad.” It was a rough first couple of days, nights, and naptime, but now she only asks about wubs about once a day. We have also been working on getting her…
Not much by way of introduction, since we’ve kinda got the same ‘ole, same ‘ole, going on! So here goes… Mazy got some face paint from the dollar store and so she had to give it a try. You can tell someone was ecstatic about it and someone else was not: Mazy’s school had a…