What Message Is Your Life Sending?
With the new year just beginning, I can’t help but think about the past year, the coming year, and how I live my life on a day-to-day basis. What message is my life sending?
I am passionate about encouraging others to embrace their story. Embrace the life that God has given you and don’t be afraid to share that story with others. God is writing this beautiful story, but does our life portray that very thing? The goodness, the faithfulness, and the sovereignty of God? What message are we sending to those around us, through our own stories?
What is your story about? Is it filled with one of a childhood filled with tragedy? A story of loss and heartache? A fairytale story? An ordinary story of God working in extraordinary ways? A story that continues to unfold in unexpected ways?
We can’t control the story that God has designed for our lives, to a certain extent. What we ARE in control of are the choices we make in response to the circumstances he allows in our lives, though. So what message are you sending?
I have wrestled long and hard with this idea. Social media allows us to create an image of ourselves – an image that we want to portray. Maybe it’s unintentional. But regardless, what we post, is just a small glimpse into our lives isn’t it? I can post a picture of our family enjoying time at our pool, and someone will see through their own lens, a picture of what life is like for us. That life always looks this glorious. I can post blog post after blog post, picture after picture, and then still, the message I am sending, is seen through the lens of another. But what message am I striving to send? I can’t control how others react, but I can control what I portray. So…
What’s the feeling someone will have after “reading” your story?
Like I said in my book, A Heartbeat of Grace:
We all have different chapters in each of our stories, but the same author: God. The chapters in your book look drastically different than ours and they should. I personally find enjoyment in reading a variety of books. That is why it is important to let God write your story and not try to make your story like someone else’s. We realized that God was writing a unique story for us and we could not help but share what He was doing.
Even though God is sovereign over our stories, we have the opportunity to either accept the stories he has given us, or try to make our lives like someone else’s. How often do we look at our lives and think “oh, if only my story was like theirs…” But let me encourage you. Allow your book, your story, to send a message like no one has heard before. A story that embraces the satisfaction that can only be found in Christ alone. A story that embraces the fullness of who God is, the fullness of who you are, and the fullness of his faithfulness.
Every day is a new day. Every day we have the opportunity to send a message. What message is your life sending?
Let this be an inspiration in this new year, to write a story that displays the incredible goodness and faithfulness of our good God. He is worth sending a message about. Your life is worth the message it has. Embrace the story God has given you and each day, ask yourself, “What message is my life sending?”