What My Excess Food Supply Looks Like

Have you ever tried to open your kitchen gadget drawer and it gets stuck halfway? Or dig through to the bottom of the pile and realize that it was tucked way in the back? Kitchen gadgets clog our drawers and when we really need something, it takes a few tries to find exactly what we…
I recently asked my readers if they had any questions for me, questions about our life, or questions that I maybe have not answered before. I had a good friend of mind ask me: Do we keep every receipt for every purchase? How do we keep track of what we spend? Do we use an…
Call me a hypocrite. I have a new Pinterest account. I know, I know. I went on a rant one day about why I deleted my Pinterest account. You probably all thought “we’ll see how long this lasts!” Though I actually have really enjoyed my break from it! I realized how Pinterest makes you feel…
WHAT? You LIKE your house dirty? You are crazy! Yes, I am crazy and sometimes I do like my house dirty. A few years ago, we had some teenagers over after youth group. One of them came up from behind and gave a big squeeze to one of his friends. Little did he know, his…
We are HALFWAY! How are YOU doing? I have often wondered if there are other people just as passionate about living with less as I am? As I have also been going through this process, I am realizing I am feeling free. Free from commitments, free from obligation, free from clutter, free from having to…
It takes one pair to get through a day. Yet we all have WAY MORE than what we need. SHOES. Do you use a shoe rack? Or do you just throw your shoes in the closet in hopes that you can find a matching pair in the morning? No matter what your “system” is, shoes…