What We’ve Been Up To
I was at an appointment the other week and the lady asked how things were going with parenting. I said with a bit of relief, I felt like we were figuring things out and kind of have it together. She looked at me with almost a look of disgust, as I tried to back peddle…
I’ve been discharged! I can’t say I am leaving with many answers, which was what we were really praying for, but God chose to not make it very clear and it’s ultimately up to him. Hard to understand, but there’s a reason why I’m not in control and He is! So what was concluded? I…
I had to laugh. As I was walking through Wal-Mart and Target the other day around mid-morning, every person I saw was either of the older generation or young moms. Moms carrying their babies in the carriers, holding one child and pushing the cart with the other hand, or just trying to make sure their…
The day before we left for Alaska, I had an appointment in Ann Arbor to address the next steps in my heart arrhythmia journey. As many of you know, I had a subcutaneous ICD implanted in February, to protect my life if I suddenly went into cardiac arrest, since I am at a very high…
When’s the last time you allowed your mind to see the world from a child’s perspective? To look at life the way they do? To respond in the way they do? We have a 4-year-old in our home and I must admit, living life through her eyes, has been absolutely beautiful. Let’s start with putting…
For all of Mazy’s life, mom has had heart issues. She doesn’t know what it’s like not to have a mommy with heart failure. This is her world. And this is the world of so many other parents! Insert the word that describes your family because we all have them in some way, that “my…