Why I Daily Declutter Our Home

I know, I know, you are probably wondering how in the world someone has time to declutter their home every single day. I wondered how in the world it was possible too, until I started to do it.
I know, I know, you are probably wondering how in the world someone has time to declutter their home every single day. I wondered how in the world it was possible too, until I started to do it.
A fabulous meal enjoyed. Whether it be a holiday, a birthday, or an average day. The family is satisfied and it’s time to clean up. You look at what’s left and wonder how in the world you are ever going to get rid of all of the leftovers. Was it worth the effort make all…
Have you ever thought about how powerful the mind is? Dan was reading Jesus Calling recently and the devotion was about your mind; how negative or untruthful thoughts, can creep in and rule us. I listened intently because this past week, I was reminded of the verse from 2 Corinthians 10:5b which says: we take…
Choices Choice is defined as “an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities” according to the lovely Google. A simple definition, but what a battle it presents! Think of how many choices you have to make in a given day: To get out of bed What to make…
I realize in my “Around The Home” posts, they consist of all things Mazy! I try to think of different things to take pictures of, but really, in our home, our life is filled love for Mazy. Yeah I could share about the times we run our errands or go to our youth group kids’…
Here’s what’s been going on this past week! It was mighty windy this week, so we knew the waves of Lake Michigan were going to be some rollers! Made it out there and thought Mazy was going to blow away! She was a trooper, that’s for sure! Friday night we went to the Horizon Complex…
Heads up, this blog is going to look a little crazy for a short time while I do some renovations! It is time to do some updating, including a NEW LOOK. In the meantime, bear with me since I am no graphic designer! Thank you to all of you faithful readers and hopefully in the…