Why I Daily Declutter Our Home
I know, I know, you are probably wondering how in the world someone has time to declutter their home every single day. I wondered how in the world it was possible too, until I started to do it.
I know, I know, you are probably wondering how in the world someone has time to declutter their home every single day. I wondered how in the world it was possible too, until I started to do it.
I never thought the day would come. The news that my heart was healthy enough to have a child. Not only have a child, but carry, feel the hiccups of, the little kicks, her little feet, and the birthing a love for a child from the very beginning. It was an experience that many…
This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure here. I have been so excited to share about some changes we have made in our home since I was diagnosed with cancer. When you’re diagnosed with a disease that changes much of your life, you can’t help but take a look AT your life and wonder how…
I call these “grace”-full goals because I need God’s grace everyday! Continuing thoughts on “Less Is More”… Aimlessly spending money is what you do when you’re confused about your life’s direction. I thnk that is a very insightful thought. When we randomly buy things, there really is no purpose behind the purchase (typically). I think…
Goal: Expand my crafting skills. Last weekend I was inspired to sew. Dan was sick and I had this huge hankerin’ to sew – thankfully my mother in law let me borrow her sewing machine! I have had a bag pattern from my sister for a LONG time, and even had the material to make…
Last year I had the opportunity to try out the Personal-Planner. Every planner I had before, I was always done using it after the first couple of months because it just did not suit what I needed. Then I decided to give the Personal-Planner a whirl and I used it until the end. I…
I feel like it has been awhile since I have given an overall life update, so here’s what’s been going in the Sterk’s life lately: Our life these days, has a different “excitement.” There were so many changes and so many circumstances to process, that I felt I could have blogged 3 times a day….