10 DAYS OF GRATITUDE: Day 10 (Year 40 In The Books)
If you’ve been following along in this series, we have come to the final day. DAY 10.
Ironically, this day falls on my 41st birthday. I’ve been thinking over this past year and all that it has entailed…
Whether you have already turned 40, are anticipating it, or are thinking that sheesh, that was a long time ago, there is a significance that every year holds. Even at the age of 40, entering into 41.
In the Bible, there are several references to 40 days, 40 nights, and 40 years. Most often, these periods of time are a representation of a time of testing, trials, and tribulations for those in the Bible.
Think back to…
Noah when he was on the ark, it rained 40 days and 40 nights.
For Moses, his first 40 years were spent living in Pharoah’s house, the next 40 were spent in the wilderness as a shepherd before God calls him to lead his people out of Eqypt, and eventually into the wilderness, where he would later die. He was also on Mt. Sinai for 40 days while receiving the 10 commandments.
How could we forget about the Israelites who wandered for 40 years in the wilderness?
Moses sent out 12 spies, one from each of the 12 tribes, to check out the land of Canaan for 40 days, as a possible place for the Israelites to settle after their exodus from Egypt.
Goliath even challenged King Saul and the Israelites for 40 days, before David finally took him up on it and killed him with one stone.
In the story of Jonah, God gave the people of Ninevah 40 days to repent.
Jesus spent 40 days on earth after his resurrection and before he ascended into heaven.
God’s work can be seen mightily through different timeframes that He has set up so perfectly. During these trials, it is clear that times of growth, renewal, change, and forward movement occurred. And day 41 always came after.
Eventually Noah landed on dry ground. Israelites eventually entered the promise land. Day 41, David woke up to no tauntings from Goliath. Ninevah did repent. Jesus ascended into heaven. New beginnings. New chapters.
And that’s how I feel with looking back on this past year and now turning 41. Every year is ALWAYS a new beginning. It may mean more trials, testing, and tribulations, but it also means more growth. And new beginnings. And new chapters, like I said earlier.
I have NO CLUE what year 41 will bring. All I know is that year 40 is in the past and I am grateful for all that God allowed to happen. What happened in it was one for the books, to say the least. One of intense treatment/chemo, lengthy hospital stays, bone marrow transplant, repercussions of the chemo, months of isolation, weakness, fighting cancer and heart failure, but a story that is part of the whole that God has written for my life. It’s not without purpose and intentionality by God. But today I open a new chapter, and I’m eager to see what lines God has already written for it. A mystery yet to be solved, but one that I know God has faithfully, since the beginning of time, written with perfection and purpose. And now I get the privilege of opening it up and living it out.
When you look back on this past year (even if you didn’t turn 41), WHAT HAPPENED THIS PAST YEAR THAT YOU ARE GRATEFUL FOR?