Yes, Lord

The past few days, I have been clinging to Psalm 71:14 which says, “As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. “
Now that we are a week away from admission for my bone marrow transplant, I can feel the fight building up in me. I can feel the can-do attitude billowing up. Yet not I, but through Christ in me. I also recognize the emotions are starting to become more evident and I just can’t help but think how many more times are we going to have to be separated as a family for medical reasons? This is where it gets wearisome.
When I think about the coming days, weeks, months, and years, I want to have the words “Yes, Lord” ringing through my mind and heart. That whatever he allows to come our way, we can say, “Yes, Lord”. We will do it. We will follow. We will submit. We will obey. Just sometimes it’s harder to say “Yes, Lord” when it seems like one blow keeps happening after another.
Now a bone marrow transplant isn’t uncommon; at all. We know that if others can do it, we can too. What I personally have been fighting against is the weariness we have felt with all the ups and downs of the past several years. Living in survival mode for long periods of time is draining, but I don’t want to get stuck living in that mode. Knowing that God has allowed what He has, for His good, MY good, and our family’s too, I don’t ever want to give up saying, “Yes, Lord.”
I desire to walk with hope. And to walk with hope, means telling God, ” Yes, Lord!” We are weary and yet we desire to praise him in the storm because he is the one carrying us through it. We know these next few weeks and months will bring new challenges for us all, but we pray we can make his name known through the people we meet and share about the love of Christ! It’s a whole new territory for us, and we are ready.
Where in your life, do you struggle to say, “Yes, Lord” in submission and obedience to him? How can we better live out the words of Psalm 71 in our own lives?
Kristen give us all strength for the day and year. The joy of the Lord is my strength.