10 Mazy Sayings That Will Leave You Giggling

One of the things I try to keep track of are those little sayings and comments that come from your toddler and have you rolling. But often times I can’t remember for the life of me, what she said. I have since started an on-going list of the silly things Mazy says, and I know one day, we will look back on this with thankfulness that we at least remembered to write them down. And also laugh as we reminisce. I hope you get just as much of a kick out of them as we have!
- One day, when I asked Mazy if she wanted syrup on her pancake, she said she wanted it wet. Not knowing what she meant, she said it again, that she wanted her pancake wet. Then I realized she meant she wanted SYRUP on it, which makes it wet, so now I ask her if she wants her pancake wet or dry. Who knew?
- If Mazy wonders where something is, she will ask, “Where are there?” instead of “Where is it?”
- If she wants to ride on the elevator, she calls it “ride on the alligator”.
- If I put something on her that is too small, she often tells me to bring it back to the store.
- If she wants me to give her something, she will say, “Can you grab them to me?”
- When something is hilarious, Mazy will say, “That is SILARIOUS!” (silly and hilarious combined)
- Prinfoots = footprints
- If Mazy wants me to keep an eye on her, she says, “Look an eye on me…”
- When Dan was putting his belt on his hunting pants, Mazy asked what it was for, but then said, “Ah, I gotchya, it’s so that the ducks won’t see your butt!” Oh Mazy…
- As Mazy was getting a fork out of the silverware drawer mid-day, she looks at me in all seriousness and says, “Mommy, there’s nothing to worry about…” Hmm….
Do your kids say anything that just has your laughing until your stomach hurts? I’d love to hear some of them!