100 Days Of Less REVAMP

This is where it all began: The 100 Days Of Less Series.
When I began my organizing website Organizing Life With Less, I didn’t necessarily expect it to have the impact it did on my life. I guess I didn’t know what to expect, but all I knew was that I wanted to live my life with less. Last fall I decided to stop blogging for Organizing Life With Less and combine all of those posts into this blog, so that I did not have to keep up two blogs – a personal and “business” blog. It was the best decision because it was just another way to live my life with less.
Anyways, during a move, I was embarrassed that we were unable to fit all of our belongings into a moving truck. As I was unpacking what we did fit into the truck to Minnesota from Michigan, I couldn’t help but question whether I really NEEDED all of it? Did everything I own have a purpose? Did it all have a place in my life? In trying to find physical places for it all, I realized I wanted to start a journey to living with less.
I decided to find 100 things to evaluate and ask myself “how can I live with less of this item?” Maybe even get rid of it altogether? Do you have too much of something? Are you storing more canned food than what you have space for? Do you have more clothes than what your closet can hold? Do you have enough pencils to supply a whole school? Going into it, I knew that finding 100 things to go through would be hard, but in the end, it proved to be a whole lot easier than I thought. Which then proved that I owned way too many items too.
So why a 100 Days of Less Series REVAMP?
Decluttering and living with less does not happen overnight. It has taken me years to get to where we are today with living with less (unfortunately). After going through those 100 items, I realize that I could stand to do it again. Since it is summer break (I work at a school), I wanted to go through those 100 items again myself and realized maybe others wanted to do the same.
Maybe you are looking to decluttering your home and life. Maybe you are looking to live with less. Maybe your life feels more stressed and more complicated, just because of the sheer number of things you own.
Here’s a few things to keep in mind:
- 1. NISS – Don’t fall into the Need-It-Someday-Syndrome
- 2. The less you own, the less that will own you. You won’t have to spend time storing it, keeping it up, and letting it occupy your mind.
- 3. We can do with less than what we think we can. It’s our culture that has told us that more is better.
- 4. Choose quality over quantity. Don’t keep something just so you have multiple of it. Keep it because it is quality and WORTH keeping.
- 5. Be determined. It is a long challenge. 100 days long. Don’t give up! Your family will thank you because you are setting them an example of how to live life with less.
If any of the above things to keep in mind, resonate with you, THAT is why I am inviting you to join my new 100 Days of Less Challenge REVAMP. I will go through the series that I posted 3 years ago, but revamp it so that it is more applicable, more organizer-friendly, and in the end, challenge you to live with less as well.
If you are up for the challenge, let me know! Either send me a personal email at kristin.sterk@gmail.com or comment below. I would love to hear from you and hear about the struggles you deal with (like myself) to live with less.
So here we go, launching the new and revamped 100 Days of Less Series!