3 Simple Steps To A Decluttered Home

When some people hear the word “organizing,” their heart starts to race, their palms get sweaty, and they start to panic. They think “ah, I NEED to organize – my house is a disaster!”
The same is said for purging. Even the thought of going through “stuff” creates feelings of shame, guilt, and anxiety.
What if you didn’t even have to think about “organizing” or “purging” because it becomes PART of you? Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?
It isn’t.
What if purging and organizing was part of your daily life – like going to work, cooking, and brushing your teeth are? What if it was just part of your normal routine? You are probably thinking “this is so unrealistic and only for those who have oodles of time on their hands.”
Nope. This is for YOU. Here’s how:
1. Set a goal.
- Think about what you want to accomplish: Live with less? Clear the clutter? Have more space? You decide. Whatever your goal is, you CAN accomplish it.
2. Set up a station(s).
- Donation Station: Put a box in a closet or even out in the open. On any given day, in your daily routine, think about everything you are using. Think about the things that are around the item you are using. Is it worth keeping? For example: You are pulling a pot out of the cupboard to use for dinner; meanwhile, you look in the back of the cupboard and see a pot that you haven’t used in years. Take 2 seconds to pull it out and put it in the donation station. Another example would be getting ready for work: you ponder what you should wear, yet you always look over that skirt you haven’t worn in forever. Take 2 seconds to take it off the hanger and put it in the donation station. We have a “donation station” set up in one of our closets. Whenever I find something I do not need, it goes straight in the bag.
- Trash Stash: Follow the routine above: in your daily routine, keep your eyes open for things that you no longer need and are not worth donating. Whether you throw them directly in the trash, set up a station for trash and take it out every once in awhile, keep these stations handy.
3. Don’t make a big deal out of organizing. You do not need to take 30 minutes out of everyday to organize. Make it part of your routine. If you need to schedule it in, schedule it in. With the station set-up, it saves you time in the end because it becomes part of you. For example, like brushing your teeth or taking out the recycling: be aware of what you look at everyday.
I know this “simple organizing” idea may sound time-consuming and overwhelming. Make it what you want. Just make organizing/purging part of your everyday routine and slowly but surely, your house will come back together!
Ive got a space where I put stuff for 'donation' and its working really well. Once youve made a space its very easy to use, it makes me wonder why I hadnt done a long time ago.
Im setting myself a goal this year of ridding myself of 500 items (with a hoarder husband theres no way I can do the 2014 items in 2014). I think with me the big challenge is getting into the mindset of letting things go, but (hopefully) with a move to the other side of the world in our future Im finding myself thinking ' will this item come with us or not' and thats really helping me let go of stuff I no longer need.
I think when little steps, like a dontation station, work well it gives us motivation to tackle the larger stuff.
Jo, thank you for your comment! I am glad to hear that the donation station works well for you – I couldn't recommend it more! Wow, a move halfway across the world – I can't imagine what that does to a home in trying to decide what to keep and what has to go! I think a goal of 500 items is perfect – you don't want to set the goal too high because otherwise you may disappoint yourself. Let me know how the process is going and if you need any tips or ideas! Also, I hope the preparation for the move goes smoothly as well – sounds like a new chapter is about to start soon! Thanks again for sharing Jo!
The "donation station" is very effective. It's also really rewarding to take a big bag or box of stuff to Goodwill, knowing that your house is that much lighter.
I couldn't agree more :)! There is something about going to Goodwill, opening up that trunk, and seeing it cleared out in seconds – never to return! Anyone who is looking to declutter, I say the "station" is one of the BEST answers! Thank you for sharing!
I like the idea of setting a "donation station". I´ll try it. Thanks and kisses from Spain 😉
Thanks Carmen and thanks for stopping by – all the way from Spain 🙂