52 Places In 52 Weeks: Organizing Your Keepsakes

Keepsakes are items we keep for the sake of something – for the sake of remembering, for the future generations, or for personal use. They bring back memories. You cherish them. They are more than just a possession – they hold so much more than that – a piece of the past. No one else understands the depth and meaning behind that one item.
How many keepsake boxes do you have? One for each family member? One in each room? Too many to even count?
Why do we hold onto those items so tightly? I think we hold onto them so that we can remember. Remember who that person is. Remember all the good times with that person or thing. In reality, the reason we are hanging onto it, is for US. Strictly for ourselves. We may be hanging onto something because that person would be so upset if we got rid of it. You may be right – they may roll over in their grave if they knew you had gotten rid of something. The thing is (and sometimes the truth hurts): what purpose is that certain item serving? If it is purely to satisfy the person who has since passed, it is not worth it.
Before you start to organize your keepsakes and sentimental items, here are a few things to keep in mind:
- Why do I have this item in the box?
- Do I consider it a keepsake?
- Does it bring back good or bad memories?
- Does it make you get stuck in the past?
- Where did I get it from?
- Does it have any relevance to today?
- Do you plan on passing it on to another generation
- Would another family member appreciate this item more than I would?
- Is the container or box I am storing this items in, sufficient?
3. If you do not have a box or container to store your keepsakes in, find an appropriate box to store them in.
4. Go through each item and think about the questions above.
5. Find a safe yet accessible place for your keepsake box. Know that the keepsakes in the box are only what you treasure and look forward to looking at again someday.
Think about why you keep the things you do. Letting go of some things, may be very freeing to you – especially if there is a negative emotion tied to that item. Make sure you check with family members before you get rid of a family heirloom. The last thing you want is to cause a family to be upset with you.
Start the process as it will be worth it in the end!