Our Favorite Toddler Toy
I sometimes have a hard time calling our 3 1/2 year old a “toddler” because she often acts more like a little girl and can have the attitude of a teenager, but that is the thrill of having her in our life! There is NEVER a dull moment and multiple times a day, Dan and I find ourselves glancing at each other giggling at what she just said. Three year olds just crack me up!
Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that toddlers have their way of wanting to be that independent person, but obviously aren’t quite ready to be given the reigns on their own. That is why in our home we appreciate interactive toys that spur on the creative mind. We are not a screen-free home, but do try to limit how much she watches. With that said, that means we try to find other creative activities for her to do.
Well, someone had bought Mazy a Christmas gift and indeed, she already opened it, but it truly is a GENIUS idea!
It is the Spark Kitchen Sink that through a battery-powered faucet, water comes out and kiddos can “wash” their dishes, as the water gets cycled through over and over again! I’m telling you, when we start this thing up, I stood in just as much amazement as Mazy did!

It is a simple gift, but something that Mazy has played with every single day since we got it 2 weeks ago! Now that is a Christmas gift worth something!