Around The Home
I realized that either I didn’t have much going on this week or I was too busy to take pictures…well I say this past week was an even mix. So, not much to update in pictures, but it sure was a fun week!
For New Year’s Eve we went to our friend’s house and had such a great time, as always! Tuesday morning we went to church and then had my parents over for lunch. Wednesday Dan and I headed down to Michigan City for the night, while dropping Mazy off on the way at Dan’s parents, just so we could sit down and spend some quality time together. I feel like this is a whole other blog post in itself, but since we’ve moved back to Michigan, life hasn’t been easy. My health has really taken a toll on all of us and Dan and I needed to take some time to just be. Be together. Be real. Be us. And that’s what that night was. Time to process and time to keep moving forward, together.
Friday I had a heart appointment where we learned I will be receiving an internal defibrillator in the next few weeks and possibly have another procedure done in the next few months, depending what is decided at my appointment this week in Ann Arbor with a different doctor.
This maybe isn’t the way we were hoping 2019 would start off – of course we pray for health – but God’s got a plan and though it may look different than mine, His is always better.
I want to insert here that Mazy is doing SO much better with me going to the doctor. A year ago, she was so confused, hurt, frustrated, and it showed. but now, she knows we are coming back and it’s so that mommy can get healthy. When you hear your own daughter praying to God unprompted, “God please heal Mommy’s heart…” my heart cries. She gets it. But we are in this together!
Anyways, here’s our week in just a few pictures!
While I walk on the treadmill, Mazy works on her exercise band skills!

These snuggles never get old!

It was a GORGEOUS week here in West Michigan! That meant time outside, at the park, and bike rides!

Have a blessed week!