THINK + FREE Printable
Words are powerful.
Of course you recognize the old saying… Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Really, that could not be more untrue. Sticks and stones hurt – for a short time. But those wounds usually heal. Words though – that hurt can last a lifetime.
Words can hurt. Words can destroy. Words can separate. Words can make you want to crawl into a corner and cover your ears. Words can deflate. Words can kill internally. Words are powerful.
Words can heal. Words can build up. Words can mend. Words can make you want to jump for joy and scream at the top of your lungs. Words can help. Words can give life. Words are powerful.
But do we THINK about what we say? Dan and I often talk about “filters” when it comes to speaking. Do we think about how our words will be received? Do we think about the impact they will have on that person? To build them up? Or tear them down? This applies to our children, marriages, co-workers, friends, family, acquaintances, check out lady, waitress, gas station attendant, you name it.
One thing I want to teach Mazy is that indeed, words are powerful. It matters what we say. It matters not only to me, but to God. Every human walking this earth, was created in the image of God. Even though someone may think or act differently than me, doesn’t mean they are any more or any less valuable than me. We are all equal. So it matters what I say about them and to them. IT MATTERS.
Below is a saying I had heard for many years and found much value in. I decided to create my own PDF and am offering it to you as well, for FREE. Print 1, print 100. If we all THINK before we speak, our world would look very different, wouldn’t it?

I used to teach inner city fourth grade in the public school system; I’m retired now. I would post a similar poster like this on my classroom wall, to teach this very important life concept to my students.
I have recently needed this same poster to have a “teachable moment” on a social media group page. Sadly, many adults, of all ages, don’t filter their comments first, before speaking, or texting or writing on social media.
Thank you, Kristin, for providing this beautiful, free print out.
You absolutely nailed it, Laurie! MANY adults don’t filter what they say, especially in comments. I love that you used a similar idea when you were teaching! I try to think through it often because it truly does offer perspective. Thank you for your comment, and keep in touch!