Username and password, remembered. Log in. CLICK. It seems as if that isn’t something that really matters. But anytime I hit “LOG IN”, it opens up a space. A private space for me to type. A blank slate. Truth be told, I never thought I would blog. In fact, I thought it was only for the professionals. And I am the least of them! One thing I have learned though, in my over 10 years of blogging, is to “cease the moment” and make the most of every opportunity.
Have you ever been in line at the grocery store and the person in front of you didn’t have enough money? Have you ever waited for gas to fill your tank, but heard someone getting frustrated? I can see your hand raised. Did you cease the moment? I’ll be the first to raise my hand to admit, I have missed the moment.
As a Christian, I believe that as much as God has given us the gift of free will, I also believe that God knows every single detail of our lives. And you know what I can’t wait for? If I’m ready and willing? For Him to show me His plan for the day. Even in the mundane tasks of getting groceries and filling my tank.
I can’t tell you how often I’ve “missed the moment”. That split second in time, when you know it’s the Holy Spirit nudging at your heart to act. Whether it be to pay the rest of someone’s bill, to help that mama who’s child has had enough, or to hold the door the gentleman who is trying to bring in a boatload of items in. You know the feeling. In fact, I bet an incidence is coming to mind right now.
How often do we “miss the moment” because we are too busy thinking about the next? Too busy thinking about the inconvenience? Too busy thinking about what it will cost us? Too busy thinking if it’s that big of a deal?
I’ve missed the moment too many times in life. Whether it be at the gas station, grocery store, or wherever. I’ve let my embarrassment and my pride get in the way. Too often I let the “oh, I don’t think it’d really matter” get in the way instead.
That’s why I sit here and type this. We’ve all been there! Hitting “Log In” today, wasn’t easy because I thought eh, it’s not really worth it. Everybody knows to “make the most of every opportunity”.
But do we? Thanksgiving and Christmas always brings about a time to reflect and give. As we anticipate the upcoming seasons of life, may we, as Ephesians 5:15-17 says…