Around the Home
A little behind on pictures here over on the blog! It’s been a busy season of life with birthdays, youth group events/dinners, colds, heart issues and appointments, and all the things of life, but we sure are looking forward to Spring Break! It’ll be a welcomed step away from the normal routine of life. The weather though here in Michigan has been incredible, so we’ve been soaking up all the Michigan sun we can, while it’s here! Because we all know, the next day it’ll like 30. That’s how Michigan works, folks!
One of the biggest events as of late, was celebrating Mazy’s 7th birthday! When you only have one kiddo, you embrace the birthday moment to the fullest, but it reminds me of what a miracle she really is. Being able to think back on the time of finding out I could actually get pregnant, then finding out I was pregnant, carrying her, to having her, it just puts me in awe of what God has done in our lives. She is such a blessing to us and we hope she wakes up everyday knowing how much she is loved and treasured! So, Happy Birthday, sweet Mazy Grace!