Dealing With Life Envy

replicate the pictures. I see the idea wardrobe on Pinterest and wish mine looked the same.
all. Is the 10% we know of someone’s life, really the “perfect” life that we see or what is portrayed? Do we really want their life?
Thrift store shopping – I can’t get enough sometimes! When I had recently moved, a group of women invited me to go thrift shopping with them to a bigger city nearby. We had hit up more thrift stores than I could’ve ever imagined, but the FUN we had, looking for steals and deals, and the…
I would say I can be a fairly optimistic person, but there sure have been times when I have thought quite the contrary and have dove head first into the sea of negativity. It’s so easy to do, isn’t it? I was listening to a Christian hip-hop/pop station out of Houston and they challenged their…
Acts 17:26-27 says, “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, 27 that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from…
These days, going out to eat isn’t just a special occasion – it has become a way of life for some. Grabbing a quick meal at a restaurant between events or games, is a weekly occurrence for many. Celebrating special occasions by eating out, is more of a norm now – it isn’t about GOING…
This is an article written by husband for our church’s publication. I couldn’t help but share it with you, knowing that this is such a prevalent issue in today’s culture. Do you struggle with finding a balance of how much time to spend on your cell phone? This might make you think twice the next…
A dear friend of mine (eh hem…MAK) recently wrote a little note on Facebook about how we often times minor in the major things, major in the minor things in life. That struck me and even though I’ve heard that quote in the past, I couldn’t help but sit back and wonder how often I…
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The thing I tell myself, regarding life envy, is "well it would be better for that person to be broke, in the hospital, etc etc so that it makes you feel better" — meaning, would someone else have to have a horrible life with no blessings for my happiness!? No… I should rejoice with others when they are blessed because thats what I would want others to do with me if I am blessed in anything. We don't realize what the end of our thoughts are really. We don't realize as you said, what does their life look like in totality. Additionally, our heart attitude should be one of joy for others as they receive or have any blessing; because someday the Lord will bless us too and others will look on at that.
You are so right Joni! It is sometimes hard to rejoice when going through difficult times, but you are so right we still should be because God may bless us like that someday. We just never know! And we never know what God has in store for us! Hang in there girl! Thinking of you!
You are so right Joni! It is sometimes hard to rejoice when going through difficult times, but you are so right we still should be because God may bless us like that someday. We just never know! And we never know what God has in store for us! Hang in there girl! Thinking of you!