Avoid What You Should Be Buying

Do you ever feel bombarded?
Ever feel like you are being pulled in all different directions?
Let me say ONE word: TRENDS.
Trends are exactly that: trends – pulling you in every direction. They WILL change – because that is what trends do. They change. They fluctuate. They drop off and then pick up a whole new idea – a completely new TREND.
How easy it is, to get sucked into them. You may not even realize how much “trends” influence. For example, you walk into a store and see a new style and think “I could pull that off…” so you may improvise a bit, but give it a whirl. You see an end cap of a new snack or food to try. You buy a box or 2, get addicted, but then realize after a month or 2, it really wasn’t much. Or maybe you see an ad on tv and think “oh, I want to have that…” so the next time you are at the store, you peruse the store, looking for that same item.
It is that simple. We see trends in magazines. On tv. In our neighborhoods. Hear them on the radio. On the internet. Just think “pinterest”.
What gets your attention? What do you find yourself getting “hooked” on? What trends lure you in?
For me, I see styles and think “oh, I should try that…” but lets be honest; some trends are only meant for certain body types. I can easily get lured into the desire to have the perfect home, like I see in magazines. But when I come home, what I love is that our home isn’t so immaculate that I can’t even sit on our furniture. I sometimes think it would be nice to have a new car – but I sure enjoy not having a car payment every month.
But when it comes to simple living, are trends really worth it?
Is chasing trends – that will never satisfy – really want you want? Really what I want?
A lesson I learned from my husband is to find something and stick with it. For example, we have been known to find good deals at outlet stores – of the basics – quality items, that will really last a lifetime, but may not look “trendy”. He has taught me that buying once and being done, is the way to go. Trying to follow and keep up with the trends, will only lead to a dead end.
Simple living puts aside what the culture says you should have. Simple living says to live the life YOU feel called to live. Simple living is just that: SIMPLE. What is the “simple” in life? Following what everyone else says you should have, is not simple. Don’t succumb to the pressures of this world. Simply. Live.
Not really a trend, but I love to buy black shirts. Half of my closet is black shirts. At least I wear them! 🙂 I like your post and blog!
Ah yes, the black shirt – they go with EVERYTHING and there are so many different types! I can't say I have as many, but I sure enjoy a good black shirt :). And at least you wear them! Thanks for sharing Kate Marie!