A First For Everything

18 years. The other day, while Mazy was taking a nap, I started to think about the fact that I have 18 years to raise this child. I have 18 years to teach her all I know about life. I have 18 privileged years of having her in our home (and maybe a few more…
Still enjoying the fall weather here in MN! I think it was 2 years ago we had a 1 1/2 feet of snow I think by now, so we will take this 50-60 degree weather! Mazy got her first cold of the season, but she has slept like a champ at night! Naps, well, that’s…
I’m just going to start right off with this picture of a rainbox. This was taken at my in-laws house on Monday night, the day before I had some testing down at the U of M. I can’t say that day went completely as planned as we found out I was having a significant amount…
I had all these grand ideas of how I was going to be the perfect stay-at-home-mom. As much as didn’t/don’t want to admit it, we go into parenthood with expectations. I made the mistake of telling Dan that I didn’t really have any expectations, but the more I thought about it, I so did! I…
Back to reality! We spent the past week with Dan’s family, on Beaver Island. It was a great week exploring all that Beaver Island has to offer, but most of all, spending time together as a family! Unfortunately it rained every single day at some point, except one, with most days being pretty wet. Nevertheless,…
It was a typical day in our home. Until the blankies had to get washed. For the past couple weeks, I have been mulling over in my head how I was going to combat the tears, since we had been down this road before. Unfortunately, I came up with no clever solution. So after Mazy’s…