The Beginning of Newness
Summer has officially begun for us! School is done and the official youth group season is done, though the festivities continue!
Turning the calendar today reminded me of the blessings of May. Of what May entails – the changing of seasons, the bursting forth of flowers, the beginning of newness of life. I look at our own life – May has been FILLED with a changing of season (with children), a bursting forth of the opportunity for new life (and a healing heart), and the beginning of a new chapter which hopefully we pray, is new life.
This is the picture and verse that is for June. I couldn’t help but stop, gaze at the beauty of this flower and read the verse that holds so true. Rejoicing is very easy for us right now. We have been in times where being joyful is not so easy, but it was in our hearts that we knew God had a good a perfect plan for our lives.

We are still in awe. I look back on the first few days of when we found out, and honestly we didn’t have much to say. I know I said that before, but we really didn’t. There was nothing to say, but to let our hearts cry with joyfulness. We find ourselves more talkative about having kids these days; not that we didn’t want them, but we were just so shocked. If you have ever experienced shock, you know what I am talking about.
Last Sunday we took some time away and went down to the river bottom. One thing we love about where we live (amongst many others) is that if you drive about 30 minutes north or south, you will see DRASTICALLY different landscapes. To the south, you have the rolling hills of the river bottom. To the north, there are rolling prairie hills. Dan and I needed to get away just us two, so we decided to explore some state land along the river:

May is always a crazy month (as it is for everyone), so we always look forward to June. We will be gone a lot, as we have our junior high retreat up in Duluth! We can’t WAIT for that one because everyone says how much we will love it. And, we get to hang out with our junior highers in the process! Then the next day, we leave for my family’s vacation in Michigan. We LOVE traveling, so we are looking forward to it all!
Happy summer everyone!