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  1. I admired Corie Ten Boom whose hid Jews during the war. She had such faith then and then when she and her sister went to some awful places. I enjoyed hearing speak. Such a humble woman.

    1. YES! I want to read more of her writings! What an incredible testimony of God’s faithfulness that she lived out so boldly. Like you said, such a humble woman, but she made an eternal difference and continues to as well!

  2. I would choose to be with my Grandma P. because she exuded love and grace while yet strongly enforcing rules of good behavior. She never verbally told me that she loved me but her eyes told me clearly that she did. Long after her death her next-door neighbor told me that Grandma was the”most Christian person I ever knew.” But Grandma never spoke aloud words of testimony–she lived it! Her old well-worn Bible rested on the kitchen table near to the three loaves of bread she had just baked from scratch, on the day she died at 103 years of age: a picture of her life “Ora et Labora.”

    1. What a testimony of your Grandma’s faith! What you spoke was such an encouragement to me, to think about how I LIVE my life b/c that is what speaks loudly. She sounds like an amazing woman and I can’t wait to meet her in heaven! Thank you for your comment, Kerry!

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