A Day The Lord Has Made
Psalm 118:24 – This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
This verse rings through my heart and mind today as it is just an absolutely gorgeous day here in Minnesota! I still think the snow was gorgeous, but I have enjoyed running outside with shorts and a t-shirt! It is in the 70s today! I feel our town has all of a sudden come to life! Granted it is the city-wide garage sales. Now granted, when I say “city,” our town basically doubles in size when people come to the garage sales because it is small, but it is wonderful to see life! Dan and I often took walks at night and we would be the only ones out – I am thinking that will probably change now that the weather is nice. Here people wondered if WE were ready for Minnesota winters – and now we were the only ones out! Rather comical…
We still have really enjoyed meeting people, getting to know the people we have already met even more, and just building on the relationships God has already established in our lives. You may wonder after all the talk of meeting people, if we’ve met everyone – no we haven’t :). When there are two churches to get to know, there really are a lot of people. But in that, everyone has been so incredibly gracious with us trying to remember names. Some will even say “you may not remember me but…” (and often it is those we actually DO remember their names), but to have that grace is very comforting.
We are getting eager to see what this area looks like with leaves on the trees and green grass! Hard to believe we don’t even know what that looks like – it seems like we have lived here longer than just almost 2 months.
Knowing that each day IS a day THE LORD has MADE, gives great comfort. Learning to rejoice in each day AND be glad, can be hard when our hearts are burdened with hurts and pain. Even though those hurts may be present, there is still a sense of trust and reliance on God that can trump those pains and hurts. Rejoicing brings that reality to mind that our lives are not in our hands – that God is in control. What a comfort and joy that brings. That the Savior and Sovereign Lord of the universe, sees and knows all that is happening – even when it comes down to the weather :). As I spoke in an earlier post about May being a hard month with it being the month our babies would’ve been born, we know God has that month completely under control. He knows what we are going through. And we rejoice that our children are with the Lord, with no crying or tears. They are children, precious in His sight. What a joyous thought that is – to know they are safe with Him.
THIS, is THE day the LORD has made; let US rejoice and BE GLAD in it.