Admiring and Desiring

Have you ever known someone who had something or had a quality that you admired or desired?
Have you ever known someone who had something or had a quality that you admired or desired?
I’m a change-of-seasons type of gal. I love each season in it’s entirety, but when the next season comes, I always welcome it! And one of those reasons is… PURGING time! If you’ve followed me over the years, you know I have a weird love for clearing out, cleaning out, and simplicity. Having clutter and…
Romans 12:1-2 says: Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will…
One of my most favorite businesses to partner with is Personal Planner. They are actually based out of Sweden, but I look forward to participating with international company each time. My own planner was about to run out, so I was eager to design this coming year’s planner! I’ve been designing one from fall to…
Balance. That is what I seem to lack often in life. I put this weight on my own shoulders, having this can-do attitude, but lack the balance behind it all. I feel a though the Christian life, a life that is devoted to God, is a call to balance. You may find this to be…
Are you an impulse buyer? Do things that are not on your list, always end up in your shopping cart? Are you a seeker of all things new, trendy, beautiful, and useful? But…then do you ever wonder if buying those impulse items was a good idea? Do you start to question if you really NEEDED…
Do you have the desire to have all of your family favorite recipes in one cookbook? Do you find yourself calling your mom often for a recipe? Do you wish to pass on recipes from your childhood to your kiddos one day? About 10 years ago, I wanted to make a family cookbook. I had…