Around The Home

Happy New Year! This past week and last week of Christmas break (I have to call it CHRISTMAS break and not “winter” break b/c otherwise Mazy doesn’t think she has to go back to school all winter) has been relaxing and filled with all things wonderful! Thankful to have another year to proclaim God’s goodness…
This past week hasn’t been an easy one, health-wise, but I will say it has been an AMAZING week at HOME! So thankful that this past week did not entail anymore hospital stays, and just a follow up in Ann Arbor. God sure has been gracious and gave us a bit of a break from…
This past Saturday, we went to a Twins vs. Tigers game with our high school youth group! The kids have been wanting to go to a game, but with summer being so busy, it is hard to find a timeframe that works for most. We thought that the end of summer would be a good…
Tip #21 – Create a Household Management Binder This is one of the BEST organization tools you can use! I strongly encourage anyone who is looking to get organized when it comes to your schedule, bills, your dreams, gift cards, books, you name it, to start a binder. Make it what you want –…
Well, since Mazy’s surgery on Tuesday, things maybe haven’t gone like we thought they would. We were hoping for that “different kid” that the doctor talked about, but she was struggling. Tuesday, the day of the surgery, she took a long morning nap and napped well in the afternoon, so we were thinking “hey, things…
We had a pretty slow week looking back on the very few pictures I took! Mazy ended up with a decent cold and the weather wasn’t great once again in West Michigan, so we laid low this past week, which for a home-body girl, no complaints here. Mazy had fun playing with her cousins again,…