We have our Mazy girl back! She seems to be feeling 100% better and oh how thankful we are to be at this point! She is our crazy Mazy again, is a complete goofball, and we have missed seeing this, knowing she did not feel well for all too long.
Dan is gone for 2 weeks on a missions trip to Haiti, to work at Children of the Promise. He hopes to keep a blog up and running while there, which you can check out at:
The beginning of the week, Mazy still did not feel great, so here we are just resting and letting her sleep when she needed to sleep. We were hoping we could do the 4th of the July Prinsburg run Monday morning, but that morning was a rough one, so we just cheered from our driveway.
Mazy loves to put on Dan’s hat and I must say, she looks pretty adorable in it!
We also didn’t make it to the fireworks this year, but that’s okay, we could watch them from our rooftop!

We had quite the storm roll in Tuesday. Funnel clouds were around and damage to crops were done, but all lives were spared. We sure had flashbacks of our tornado experience in 2012, when we actually were in one, which totaled our vehicle. Just a few cuts from flying glass and I had a huge welt on my leg from an ice ball (hail), but we were able to get to safety after it went through. It ended up taking out the town of Henryville, IN. If you are ever bored, just search on youtube “
I-65 tornado, Henryville, Indiana“. You will see the tornado that we experienced and that is the exact highway at that exact exit ramp, where we sat as the tornado came through. I remember looking over the to right and telling Dan “um, I think that’s a tornado” and soon after, we had hail the size of softballs hitting our vehicle, as our vehicle was rocking and Dan covered me with pillows and coats so that the flying glass and hail would stop hitting me. I tried climbing into the back of the vehicle to get away from it all, but Dan in his wisdom, made me stay seated with my seatbelt on, just in case we got picked up. Thankfully our vehicle moved just a little bit, but the saddest thing was seeing everyone running to get underneath the bridge, but after the tornado passed, a tree was lodged underneath there. That still gets me to this day and all I can do is hope that their lives were spared. I am so thankful we did not go under the overpass and stayed in our vehicle. We eventually got out to survey the damage, but the screams of others and the sirens were too much to hear, so we left the scene b/c we did not need medical attention. God’s protection sure was evident that day! Enough about that!Anyways, here’s a picture from this past Tuesday.

The amount of rain we had in a short amount of time was incredible. This is in our backyard where there is supposed to be grass underneath.
Dan and I headed out on a date night Wednesday night and of course, Dan had to catch the lunker of all lunkers.
Dan took Mazy on a daddy/daughter date Friday before he left for 2 weeks. He looked back and this is what he saw – Mazy had her “eyes” on (that’s what she calls her sunglasses)
Two peas in a pod – they both love strawberry shakes!
I was wondering where my other dirty sock went – sure enough, Mazy put it and thought she’d wear it for awhile.
Bought some jumbo crayons so Mazy and I can do some coloring now
My friend Kristin had a water table she no longer needed, so now Mazy is putting it to good use. She asks to play with it everyday
Dan needed some bean bags made to take to Haiti, so I had fun pulling out my sewing machine this week.
Mazy has quite the mullet, so I decided to put it in a ponytail. It lasted a little while, though looks a little silly because the top of her hair isn’t very long.
Decided to make her even more girly by painting her toenails
Celebrated our friends Jess and Derrick as they got married on Saturday! We were able to catch up with all the CMCS basketball players, which was so fun again!
Please pray for Dan, the kids, and leaders as they are in Haiti! May God’s will be done!