Around The Home

Like I mentioned in my weekly update post, Dan and I had the opportunity to go on a fishing charter with some friends! Last year, our friends had asked us to come with them, but that was the day my LifeVest ended up beeping, telling me it was going to shock my heart. Needless to…
On Tuesday, Mazy had her 2 week check-up and we have one healthy little girl! She is in the 99 percentile for height – well, actually, when you look at the chart, she is still off the charts! She weighed in at 8 lbs. 13 oz. and falls into the 73 percentile. Here is what…
Today our baby girl is 6 weeks old! Mazy Grace is just becoming so much more playful and it is so much fun to see her learn and discover new things this week! She is still our little snuggler, but she also enjoys playing too. In 2 of the pictures, you will see her looking…
This past week in our area was Tulip Time, where there is a huge festival, for a whole week, celebrating the Dutch heritage in Holland, Michigan. My husband and I are both Dutch, so being able to step into a past-time of mine and embrace our roots, was so fun to do as a family….
This is a lesson that has taken and is still taking me, far too long to learn: appreciating the moment. Busy days can get the best of us. Looking at the calendar, our schedules fill up. Demands from every corner fill our minds with what we AREN’T accomplishing, maybe even creating a feeling of guilt…
Definitely the biggest thing right now is staying healthy (as I’m sure you can all relate to!) On Monday, Dan was diagnosed with bronchitis, which wasn’t a surprise. He has been sick for over a week and his fever kept spiking. We thought he’d be getting better then the next day he would go downhill….
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I've found that kids who pull their hair sometimes enjoy my little ponies…they can pull their hair instead 😉
That's a great idea! Thank you for the suggestion. We ate going to try that 🙂
That's a great idea! Thank you for the suggestion. We ate going to try that 🙂
I understand the anxiety and stress Mazy is feeling and how it is playing out with her hair pulling. My little one also has a little anxiety and it comes out in unhealthy ways too. I wish I knew what to do better to help curb the feelings (aside of extra love and kindness). I use a lot of distraction and talking. Although my baby can't fully understand my words, she understands that I am trying to communicate with her and my tone makes it sound like "I hear you, I understand." My husband will explain everything and she listens (doesn't understand but hears him). And that seems to help some. Also, we call any behavior that can cause damage or hurt by a specific name which she knows what that is. When she does anxiety behavior I call it by name, "ohhh no baby, thats an ouchy, don't do that. Ouch, ouch… Here is dolly want to play with her instead?" And if doll doesn't work, then I pull out something more enjoyable such as freeze dried apple snack etc. That also helps for us. Also a lot of reassurance, "oh baby its okay, mama is right here. [your daugthers names] is mama's baby, right?" kisses and hugs. Baby is daddys baby right?" Mama and daddy love baby [insert name here] you don't have to cry, no ouchy… No ouchy to my baby." Thats what I say….
Those are great words! Our most successful method is distraction so we try to reroute when we can! She has responded somewhat to that and it has helped to show her what to do instead, like be gentle with hair.You are a great mama! How is your little one doing?
Shes doing much better. She still has some issues with being away from her regular routine and away from home (which we do not travel really at all and are home for her night time routine of food, bath, bed etc). It creates peace on one level but on another we don't get to do anything at night (outside of home). Also as you mentioned teaching her to be gentle. My husband taught our little one "gentle" I honestly didn't think it would work but she understood what being gentle is. I try (fail more than I want to) but try to praise the behaviors I want from her. Even on her bad days I still try to find things to praise so that she can get encouraged to do right things. I tell her, "yes, good job sweet heart, thats what mama wanted [insert desired behavior]" or if shes breaking down I start praising her for the behavior she is [only kind of doing] — so being patient, waiting for mama etc. That helps sometimes….
I am glad to hear she is doing much better! I bet that brings some relief! That is so true to praise the good behaviors because that teaches them what IS right. It amazes me how they understand a simple word like gentle, but it makes a huge difference! I bet it's hard to not be able to get out – babies sure to strive and thrive on routine! I am fully convinced of that 🙂