Around the Home
What a week! Not necessarily what we expected, but often at the turn of a new week reminds me of the verse that says, “His mercies are new every morning.” And every week, my friends!
We started the week off with Mazers hanging out with her cousins!

While Dan was dropping me off in Ann Arbor, we received a phone call that Mazy had slipped on the floor and split her chin open. I looked at Dan and just said, “GO!” I am 35 and okay. Our daughter needs you. So, he flew out of the hospital and realized that she did need a little repair on her chin, but this incredibly brave girl did SO well, I’m told! She said, “Mommy, the water they put on it (alcohol), hurt BAD. That was the worst part!” Love how she describes things from her standpoint! Thankfully they could just glue it, instead of stitches – I think it would’ve been a different story otherwise! Note her legs crossed, like she does this on the daily…

The next day, Mazy really struggled with Mommy being gone, so Dan found a coupon for Craig’s Cruisers (one of Mazy’s favorite places of all time) for a go-kart ride and as you can see, it was exactly what she needed! And, they found a token on the floor for an arcade game – it was just meant to be!

Meanwhile, I just hung out in the hospital. Check out some of my earlier posts to read how my stay didn’t go quite like we had hoped, prayed for, and planned, but I’m holding onto the truth that God is faithful, trustworthy, and a good, good, God.

When Mazy and Dan arrived on Wednesday, a sweet woman from the Gifts department stopped by and gave us all of these things to do! Even though Dan had brought some things for Mazy to do, this was the icing on the cake.

This girl brought so much joy to a difficult 4 days. She received SO many smiles and brightened so many people’s days, as she walked with Dan and I down the hallways! So thankful for her smile! And yes, she is a little mini-me, which we were told a handful of times.

This girl LOVES to steal my phone and take pictures of herself – knees and all!

When we got home, right away she wanted her Doc McStuffins doctor set, so she could play doctor and nurse. So precious to watch!

And a dear, dear friend, sent Mazy a super fun Magin Water Painting Kit, which kept her so much company, while Mommy rested!

It has been a hard past few mornings. I feel best when I can rest and lay down, but there is plenty to do bedside too, like reading books, coloring, and just snuggling and talking! And of course, being goofy :). By noon, I start to turn a corner, but those first few hours in the morning aren’t easy, but this girl keeps me going and keeps me fighting! She is SUCH A GIFT.

One night we were able to visit some friends at a campground and we ALWAYS have such a good time!

This week is busy, but I think it’ll be good, to keep my mind off the realities of life right now. AND, one of the highlights of my year is going on my family’s vacation, which starts this week. Can’t WAIT and the timing could not be more perfect! Once again, God’s timing is always perfect, isn’t it? Even when we often thing it’s not? He is faithful.