Around the Home
September always brings on so many activities and fun! September is a month of new beginnings, the start of all the things, and an introduction to what life is going to be like for the next 6-8 months. I am so thankful for a “normal” start to this month thus far, and only praying that it continues. God sees, God hears, God knows.
Here’s what our week has looked like:
The church I grew up in held a fun festival on Saturday, so we took full advantage of the beautiful day and all the activities:
Mazy had her first soccer game and did a GREAT job at clearing the goal:
We celebrated Labor Day by going to our town’s truck parade all decked out in “American” gear. Even though there is so much animosity within our country, we are incredibly grateful for the freedoms we do have and for those who sacrifice and work hard for them daily9.
An impromptu trip to the beach made for a beautiful night watching a rain storm come in!
Next week I head back to Ann Arbor for a CT scan and ECHO to determine if I have a partial blockage in one of my coronary arteries, test to see the pressures of my heart, and to see how well my heart is functioning. It’ll be another big day, but I am continuously grateful for the care I continue to receive. Heart failure isn’t easy, but we know God has placed us right where he has, for a reason. And whatever the results may be, may HIS will be done.
You maybe have heart failure but your heart is in the right place as you serve Him in everything you do. You are doing an awesome job of making the most of every opportunity in life. I’ll continue to pray for you and the medical staff that works with you!
Roxie, thank you so much for your sweet message! As you know, when you go through trying times, it makes each day so valuable. We never know what tomorrow will bring, so making the most of each day is the best we can do, through His power. So grateful for you and your continued love, support, and encouragement!