Around The Home
It sure has been awhile since I’ve done a photo dump. Even though leukemia seems to control so much of my life, I am blessed to have a life outside of the walls of a hospital and doctor’s offices too. I’ve had my share of ups and downs, but I’ve still been able to find ways to enjoy the life that God has so graciously blessed me with and here’s a glimpse into that life:
This just shows how amazing our school is…the 6th graders came on a bus to sing to/with me, which made it feel like I was right back at a chapel at the school. The smiles, the faces, the opportunity to see them all again, brought tears to my eyes. What the teachers do at that school to love their own, and I couldn’t be more thankful to them for organizing something like this. It has been so hard to not be able to work and be at that school, but for a moment I felt I was right back there. What a gift!

Right before my first consolidation treatment, we were able to go to the Conference Grounds for their fall festival! I wasn’t sure I would make it there, but I made it my goal and I was even able to do it without a wheelchair! We ended up with the most beautiful weekend full of so much fun, sun, family, and friends. It was so what my heart needed before I would head back to the hospital the next week.

Dan is the man when it comes to carving pumpkins!

While at the Conference Grounds, we ended up having visitors from MINNESOTA come and visit! What we love about hanging out with the Zwarts is that we can always pick up right where we left off, even though we only see each other once or twice a year. So thankful we were able to catch up with them. Also, notice the beautiful colors at the campground…only a creative and sovereign God could design something like that!

Like I mentioned, we had a GORGEOUS weekend and the kids even decided to go swimming!

After my first consolidation treatment it was Halloween, and I was able to enjoy that from our front steps, handing out candy with my little Olaf.

Then the snow came!

Gatorade and snow slushie…why not?

We made it to the Zeeland Christian hill, even though it was bitter cold that day. I didn’t go down, but it sure was fun watching Mazy living her best life on that hill!

I’ll admit, we decorated for Christmas the first week of November. I knew it would take me awhile to do because I do everything at a slow pace these days, but I figured if I have to sit in our house for the next few weeks while my counts are down, I might as well enjoy the scenery! Thankfully I’m married to a very gracious man.

And this girl got an early Christmas present…SHE GOT HER EARS PIERCED! Mazy has been asking for quite some time, but we knew it would be a bit of a process to get there. Her cousin also wanted to get her ears pierced, so they decided to go together, which is exactly what Mazy needed. She definitely started getting nervous and I was pretty certain she was going to back out, but she was brave and did it! And now she is SO glad she did. Who is this kid?

Even though I wasn’t able to go down to St. Joseph to make our Christmas pots, which is the tradition, my dear friends still made it happen by coming up here and gathering foliage for me. A tradition I hope stays alive for years and years to come…and now our kids can join in on the fun too!

Can I just say that the Michigan vs. Ohio State football game was one of the best games I’ve ever seen? We don’t have cable, so we were trying to catch it on “normal” TV, but just couldn’t get it to work. Thankfully my tech-savvy husband was able to get it working upstairs and we all enjoyed snuggling in and watching Michigan bringing it to Ohio State.

Stargazing as a family! Even Maggie joined in on the fun…she was our hot box to help keep us all warm.

One of our new traditions is to go to our little town’s Christmas parade. Unfortunately, I had to go back to the hospital for my second round of the consolidation treatments for leukemia. I teared up when I realized I would be missing it because it is something that I really enjoy too. Thankfully a friend was willing to step in and take Mazy, while our husbands had a church meeting. What joy it brought to hear Mazy talking all about it via FaceTime the next day.

And here is my home for the rest of the week. Being in the same room as last time makes it feel a bit more like home, but every day that passes, is one day closer to going home. It isn’t easy being here, but I know my job right now is to fight this leukemia. I can’t think about what I’m missing or what I can’t do, but what I CAN do, despite having leukemia and heart failure. We pray that one day God will close this chapter of my life with the word “cured”, with His faithfulness as a testimony, but whether that be His will or not, we will continue to see His purposes and sovereign hand through the journey.

I will be coming home on Friday, just in time to hopefully help Mazy get ready for a daddy/daughter dance they have that evening. I told my doctors how much it would mean to me if I could make that and with them being moms themselves, they said they’d get me home. So thankful to have a team who understands life outside of these 4 hospital walls. I started to tear up knowing I wouldn’t have to miss one more thing. Until then, here’s to more chemo treatments and kicking this keem!