Around the Home
It’s been a bit since I’ve shared what’s been going on in our lives through pictures, so I thought I would share a few.
Thought I’d also given an update on my health! Well, I have been feeling great, which has been such a gift and such an answer to prayer. I almost don’t want to readdress my heart failure issues because I’ve been doing so well and have even been able to go back to work AND walk 2 miles a day around town! That is a HUGE accomplishment for me because even before September, I wasn’t able to walk that far. I am trying to increase my lung function after tests showed that my function has decreased, so I’m hoping all this walking will help. I can tell the chemo is still active in my body to some extent because I have immensely dry skin and am losing a bit of hair yet. I still have PLENTY to spare! But I will say I didn’t need my hair thinned when I got my hair cut last time. My body is still regulating itself too, but we are just grateful. Grateful for all the healing thus far.
This is a big week as I meet with both my local and U of M oncologists to talk about where I’m at and to also have a deeper blood test done to see if my leukemia has come back (won’t find out results for a bit). Those blood draws are always a test of my faith because now we are living in the unknown of if it will come back. It is out of our hands. It’s up to God and what will give him greater glory. So we trust He knows best!
As for my heart failure, I am going in for weekly blood draws to make sure my body is heading in the right direction after chemo. Chemo wreaks havoc on the body in so many ways. My heart failure doctor wants to start me on a new medication, but I was put on one similar to the one they want to start, but had adverse side effects, so we are going to wait until after spring break to do so. I will also meet with my electrophysiologist to discuss doing another ablation. Again, not looking very forward to all of this, but also want to keep fighting this heart failure and want to do all I can to ensure I live until I’m 90!
Anyways, here’s what’s been going on in our lives as of late:
It was student appreciation week at school a few weeks ago and the staff had to submit a picture from childhood as a staff scavenger hunt. Oh the styles back then! Laser background anyone?

The week after I was finely free to be in public again after treatment, we went to the Air Zoo as a family. A place I had been wanting to take Mazy for the longest time, but just couldn’t. She loved it as much as we thought she would:

Okay, maybe she loved the rides the most 🙂

The simulator was definitely the biggest hit!

We went to a Griffin’s hockey game with the youth groups:

For student appreciation week, the kids had dress-up days – one of them being wacky hair/dress day!

Mazy raced her first Pinewood Derby car and got 3rd for her age group at church and first for her age group at the regional girl’s race.