Around The Home
This week was a bit of an up and down week. I was anticipating another heart appointment on Wednesday so that is often on the mind until it happens. Do you have that too? Dan and I didn’t have a clue which way it would go, but it should have come as no surprise that we are still walking this journey and will be for a LONG time. She was wanting to admit me so that they could monitor the necessary med changes my body needed and thankfully there were no beds available, so I wasn’t able to be. In the end, thus far, it has been such a God moment because I am still feeling okay! Anticipating a rough weekend, it has not been and for that we have so much to be thankful for!
I do have to monitor my body closely via blood draws, weight checks, and blood pressures, but I will go once again to Ann Arbor to check up on things on Friday. We are eager to see what next steps are then. I have yet to hear when my ICD will be implanted, but I am just trying to remember that God’s got the timing of it all set up so I shouldn’t mess it up!
It was a warmer week again until about Wednesday when we got a few inches of snow! Yay lake effect snow! Seriously. I LOVE getting piles and piles of snow, but this winter has been everything but! Hopefully it’ll make up for it later. Here’s what our week has looked like!
Mazy is just like her momma in the sense that she enjoys doing crafts! I rarely hesitate to join her.
We always have time for silliness at this house!
Up and at ’em early one morning! I am trying to stay heart healthy by walking, but Mazy has a hard time not joining me…even in her jammies…
Mazy is in heaven! We are dogsitting for some friends of ours and this dog will not lack love this week!
One thing Mazy and I like to make is homemade play-doh. She makes me giggle every time because she always asks me when she can put the “squirts” in, meaning the food coloring! Not sure where she got that one!