
Choosing Victory

Choosing Victory

In life, we have the choice to see our circumstances as either a loss or a victory, or we can CHOOSE VICTORY EVERY SINGLE TIME. Have you ever thought about that? In life, I so often classify situations as either negative/positive, good/bad, easy/hard, or loss/victory. But in Christ, there is ALWAYS victory.

Around The Home

Around The Home

I realized that either I didn’t have much going on this week or I was too busy to take pictures…well I say this past week was an even mix. So, not much to update in pictures, but it sure was a fun week!  For New Year’s Eve we went to our friend’s house and had…

What an ICD is…

What an ICD is…

Yesterday I shared that I will have an ICD (internal defibrillator) put in place in the next few weeks. I know that as the patient, I understand all the medical terminology of heart failure (most of the time), but I realize that sometimes it’s kind of hard to picture or understand what in the world I’m talking about. So, let me explain a bit more where I’m at.