
Around The Home

Around The Home

Can I just say how thankful I am to be on this side of all my heart surgeries? This time last year I was just trying to survive being at home, wondering if I could do it. It was incredibly difficult some days, but we made it through and I look at where I am…

Cajun Alfredo with Shrimp

Cajun Alfredo with Shrimp

I know not everyone would agree with me (including my husband), but I L-O-V-E seafood. I get that it can be an acquired taste, but I don’t think I’ve tried something and haven’t liked it. Unfortunately, it’s an expensive taste… A few years back I bought the 100 Days of Real Food Cookbook and one…

Motor Movement Fun

Motor Movement Fun

Mazy attended her first “class” this past fall – Motor Movement – at the local rec center. We had heard a lot of positive comments about this class, and we figured that since we did not enroll Mazy in 3-school this year, that it would be a great and fun opportunity for her. And that…

Stay In Touch

Stay In Touch

Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere! But…have you wondered how you can stay up to date on my latest posts? Or follow me elsewhere in the social media world? In case you’ve been wondering these very things, here’s how: SUBSCRIBE to get my latest posts emailed to you whenever I have a new post up….

Around The Home

Around The Home

Hello snow! The first picture is of us hanging out by our propane fire, with the temperature definitely warmer. And by the end of the week, our first snow! We loved both extremes and everything in between! Mazy loves to roast marshmallows! With snow on the horizon, that meant lots of leaf raking this week!…