
Quick and Easy Pizza Crust

Quick and Easy Pizza Crust

  I love carbs. And I love PIZZA. Outside of just plain pepperoni, I will eat almost anything! Believe it or not, pepperoni is a bit “spicy” for me (I know, call me Dutch). With being a on low-sodium diet, frozen or pre-packaged pizza is kind of a no-no. I vividly remember laying on the…

Around The Home

Around The Home

This past week was spent keeping cool as summer was back! As the weather cooled, we spent a bit more time outside again and even made it back to the park! We’ve been doing little projects around the home, in preparation for surgery, which has been moved to October 20! I have still been feeling well,…

Buried and Hurried

Is this not the battle within many of us? We are buried and in over our heads with things to do, hurrying and scurrying around, trying to accomplish as much as we can in as little of time as possible. I am the BEST at this! And that’s not something to be proud of. I…

A New Surgery Date

As you could maybe tell from some of my blog posts, my health has been fluctuating quite a bit, leaving the doctors and therefore myself, wondering if I would make it to November 30. After many ups and downs with my health over the past couple of weeks, it was determined I would need surgery…

Around The Home

Around The Home

As many of you in the midwest are well aware, we have had a scorcher of a week! It is hard to remind myself that it is September, but no complaining here! Warmer weather has meant more hours in the pool! Through the first month or so, we had a hard time getting the filter…

Confessions Of A…

I have thought long and hard about how to say what I want to say, but sometimes the best way to say something is just to say it. What I’m talking about is how to describe what it is like to go through a difficult situation. The reason I say “difficult situation,” I know it’s…