
Around The Home

Around The Home

Welcome August! We knew the summer would fly with all the changes and happenings that have been a bit unusual in our summers of the past, but we sure have enjoyed it! The weather this summer has been everything beautiful. We have had very few rainy days, which unfortunately means a dryer summer for the…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Almost every night, after Mazy has gone to bed, Dan and I look at each other and say “we love this house…” or say something that we are happy about with our home. We just sit in awe that THIS IS OUR HOME! And then to have a pool in the backyard? Yes, it is…

I Took A What?

A nap. When you hear the word “nap,” what is the first thing that comes to mind? For me, it’s honestly the word lazy. Forgive me for saying that, but for some reason, that is the first word that came to mind after I thought of the word “nap.” Now if you are a napper,…

Accepting Reality

When have you had a hard time accepting reality? When have you pushed aside the truth about your situation, only to find it scream at you later? I am not very good at letting anything slow me down. Just ask my husband. I am great at pushing through until whatever I am fighting against, pushes…