
Mazy Is 23 Months Old

Mazy Is 23 Months Old

  Stats:  ~ Weight: 24 lbs. 14 oz. Food:  ~ Favorites: grilled cheese, blueberries, fruit pouches, hot dogs, lasagna, mac ‘n cheese, strawberries, cheese, pizza, blackberries, crackers, goldfish, cereal, smoothies, fruit snacks, oatmeal cream pies Size: ~ 24 month – 2T clothes ~ 24 month – 2T pants ~ Size 4 diapers during the day…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Hello, Spring! I never thought we would see 60 degree weather in Minnesota in February, but that we have! This past week has been absolutely gorgeous, which meant we spent a LOT of time outside when we could. Unfortunately Mazy came down with what we found out was only a nasty nasty cold after taking…

Join Me On The Journey

Join Me On The Journey

As a blogger, something I pray for, is that other women and other readers will feel valued, understood, related to, and loved. I don’t always know how to accomplish this, but this is something I pray for. Yes, I even pray about blogging. It makes my heart drip with tears to think that there are…

More Than A Home

More Than A Home

Before I had Mazy, I was more than involved as a youth pastor’s wife. I was making copious amounts of food, going to every event, and really, doing what I loved. In fact, when I was a freshman in college, I had declared youth ministry as my major, until a lunch table conversation with a…

Lessons From A Blankie

Lessons From A Blankie

It was a typical day in our home. Until the blankies had to get washed. For the past couple weeks, I have been mulling over in my head how I was going to combat the tears, since we had been down this road before. Unfortunately, I came up with no clever solution. So after Mazy’s…