
Inspired By A Bucket List

I was inspired. Last night, one of our youth group leaders did a lesson on dreaming big and what that looks like being a Christian. As I sat there hearing her talk about what America says the American dream is, I kept thinking how wrong we as a culture have it. I have moments when…

What I Keep in My Freezer

What I Keep in My Freezer

Freezing food is something I take advantage of whenever I can. Our first 7 years of marriage, we did not have a chest freezer. What were we thinking, I don’t know. Our refrigerator/freezer, well, the freezer part was a problem. Anytime someone would want to get something out of our freezer, they would have to…

An Extended Time of Rest

Over the years, I have done a lot of thinking about the Sabbath. About RESTING. I am thankful and feel very blessed to have grown up in a home where Sabbath rest was of the utmost importance. My parents taught me the value of keeping the Sabbath holy – of setting it apart as a…